Free Back To School Money Envelopes and Excuse Notes!
It's back to school time already here in the south...booooo! These summers just keep getting faster and faster ugh! My little's aren't so little anymore..13, 16 and 21, but it seems like just yesterday they were all in elementary school and preschool at the same time! The day's don't get any less busy when they get older it just gets different lol. Parents of older kids you hear me!! I spend a lot more time in a hurry up and wait pattern. Hurry up you have to be at practice then wait 1.5 hours for practice to be over..hurry up and get to a show or a game..hurry up and get home to finish homework...hurry up and head to youth group...wait 2 hours for youth group to be get the idea. :)
When they were all in preschool and elementary school at the same time I can remember CONSTANTLY having to send in envelopes or baggies (because lets face it..I'm not together enough to have envelopes handy lol) with some sort of money. Each morning as we were frantically packing up backpacks, snacks and water bottles I would remember that one of them needed money for a book order, or a field trip etc. That would leave me stressed out running around grabbing said envelope or baggie and hunting down a sharpie (because pens don't write on baggies) to quick scribble a quick message to the teacher. It's stressing me out just remembering those mornings LOL!
That's when I started making my custom envelopes and excuse notes and Oh.My.Gosh you life became just a little bit easier! YAY! Many of you may not know that in its previous life my Etsy shop used to consist of party decorations and custom stationery etc. So this became a popular item in my Etsy shop for all of my busy moms!!
Life is busy and being a mom or dad is HARD!! I am here today to make your job and your mornings just a little easier and I'm so excited to do it!!
Attached is and editable PDF for you to download. FOR FREE!! YAY!
I am giving you guys my editable excuse notes with easy fill in the blank slots and my school money envelope PDF.
Obviously these are for personal use and not for sale or resale. :)
How the heck do I use these you might ask? It's super easy! Download the PDF and open in your PDF viewer that is most likely your Adobe Acrobat Reader. From there you will be able to enter your Child or Child's Name and then your contact info at the bottom of the page for the excuse notes. You can then save it and print as many as you need. They will print on an 8.5x11 sheet of paper and you can slice it down the middle to make 2 8.5x5.5 excuse notes.
For the Envelopes simply enter your child's name and print onto standard small envelopes or print them onto labels and slap those onto any envelope you have at home.
Want to see a little video tutorial? Head on over to my Instagram @bigcitykidsinc and catch my stories today or check the highlight button on the bottom that says "Coffee Chat"
Let me know if you like these and how they have made your life just a little easier!
Have a great day Darlings!